



Welcome to my blog
Here you'll find info, pictures videos about my Second Life gigs
Please feel free to contribute, sharing your ideas with me and my fan club friends.
For further info Please contact Summer Loon or Ridha Cooljoke in SecondLife World.
See you soon and have fun !!

Benvenuti nel mio blog
Qui troverete informazioni immagini videos e curiosità
su i miei concerti in Second Life. Potrete anche scambiare impressioni ed informazioni direttamente con me e con gli amici del mio Fan club.
Per info contattare Summer Loon o Ridha Cooljoke in Secondlife
Ciao a tutti e buon divertimento.

Contributors Wanted !!!

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Summer Loon

Summer Loon
Ridha's Assistant and Press Agent


The Blog Contributors

The AMALGAM FEELINGS album was recorded in four different languages
*Music and Lyrics by Ridha :

1 "Weanek" is the Arabic selection.
2 "Because All I Need is You" is in English.
3 "Un Mondo Migliore" features the Italian language.(lyrics by Sergio Moioli)
4 "Reviens Dans Ma Vie" is the French tune.




Ridha's MusicVideos

Sunday 17 February 2008

A Message of Peace and Love

Last nights concert at the Swiss Arena was broadcast live on DBL Radio/TV. DBC Radio TV has been broadcasting live shows for over 5 years and they now have over 1700 Radio listeners, and 300 people watching it on internet TV. Ridha was brilliant as always.

The only sad part in a wonderful performance was when an ugly racial slur was made toward Ridha. As a background Ridha was born in Tunisia and lives in Italy but considers himself a citizen of the world. His message is and always will be one of love and peace. The person continued to bagger Ridha in IM, and was finally banned from the venue. Ridha made a comment to the crowd and then, because the professional he is continued to sing long past his 1 hour performance time.

We are saddened that there is so much hate and ignorance in this world. When we engage that kind of person in his banter, we just empower him. We are happy instead the fans gathered around Ridha and showed their love and support, because that is what it is all about in the end…the love and understanding we have for all people.

TY Alishaba for getting the pictures!


Mix Benelli said...

There is already too much racism in the world, why bring in a game?
Fortunately Ridha is an intelligent person and has continued his concert, giving us wonderful moments with his MUSIC ART.
TY RIDHA for being so special

Anonymous said...

Ogni persona è uno straniero quasi ovunque.

Ogni persona è diversa dall’altra.

Il bene e il male esistono in tutte le culture, tutte le etnie e tutte le razze ed infine in tutti noi.
Abbiamo il diritto di conservare le nostre origini, la nostra lingua e di essere rispettati e abbiamo il dovere di rispettare il prossimo che porta in se la propria storia.

Nessuna razza è superiore ad un’altra e nessuna persona vale più di altre.

Il razzismo è un sintomo d’ignoranza e mette a nudo le difficoltà di comunicazione che hanno le persone che lo esternano. Il razzista non emargina gli altri ma solo se stesso. La discriminazione raziale è un modo per riversare sul prossimo le prorpie sconfitte e le proprie frustrazioni e la rabbia che che si prova verso tutto e tutti.

Anche i razzisti hanno una cosa in comune con tutti noi.... anche loro come noi sono d’origine africana perchè l’umanità è nata in Africa!!