Welcome to my blog
Here you'll find info, pictures videos about my Second Life gigs
Please feel free to contribute, sharing your ideas with me and my fan club friends.
For further info Please contact Summer Loon or Ridha Cooljoke in SecondLife World.
See you soon and have fun !!
Benvenuti nel mio blog
Qui troverete informazioni immagini videos e curiosità
su i miei concerti in Second Life. Potrete anche scambiare impressioni ed informazioni direttamente con me e con gli amici del mio Fan club.
Per info contattare Summer Loon o Ridha Cooljoke in Secondlife
Ciao a tutti e buon divertimento.
Contributors Wanted !!!
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The AMALGAM FEELINGS album was recorded in four different languages
*Music and Lyrics by Ridha :
1 "Weanek" is the Arabic selection.
2 "Because All I Need is You" is in English.
3 "Un Mondo Migliore" features the Italian language.(lyrics by Sergio Moioli)
4 "Reviens Dans Ma Vie" is the French tune.
Adds the first cation:
Ridha's music is even to HOT for him!
Nice blog, 2tiecat.blogspot.com
I must admit: this is veeery impressive...Unfortunately i have no pics, so: no money for my shopping. sigh...But if i can be sincere, i prefer your outfit when you warm up the Mood with those amazing jam sessions... :D You are great guys!!
You do not need to leave a picture..just put a headline on this one hun :-) So, this picture says to me: Ridha 007 Spy for SL or something like that.
Oh, ty dear! Remember? Me dumb! :D So...This version of Ridha could be "Man in Black: music defender"....or maybe, other possible headline: "who said eyes are the mirror of soul??" ...the beautiful "black soul" of this guy is soooo clearly visible! :-)
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